Hozier Francesca Skoðaðu íslenska þýðinguna og textana á Song Language Translator.
Do you think I'd give up That this might've shook the love from me Or that I was on the brink How could you think darling I'd scare so easily? Now that it's done There's not one thing that I would change My life was a storm Since I was born How could I fear any hurricane? If someone asked me at the end I'll tell them put me back in it Darling, I would do it again If I could hold you for a minute Darling, I'd go through it again I would still be surprised I could find you, darling In any life If I could hold you for a minute Darling, I would do it again For all that was said Of where we'd end up at the end of it When the heart would cease Ours never knew peace What good would it be on the far side of things? But it was too soon When that part of you was ripped away A grip taking hold Like a cancer that grows Each piece of your body that it takes Though I know my heart would break I'll tell them put me back in it Darling, I would do it again If I could hold you for a minute Darling, I'd go through it again I would still be surprised I could find you, darling In any life If I could hold you for a minute Darling, I would do it again I would not change it each time Heaven is not fit to house a love Like you and I I would not change it each time Heaven is not fit to house a love Like you and I I would not change it each time Heaven is not fit to house a love Like you and I
Hozier Francesca Íslensk Þýðing – Upprunalegur Texti Lagsins
Do you think I'd give up That this might've shook the love from me Or that I was on the brink How could you think darling I'd scare so easily? Now that it's done There's not one thing that I would change My life was a storm Since I was born How could I fear any hurricane? If someone asked me at the end I'll tell them put me back in it Darling, I would do it again If I could hold you for a minute Darling, I'd go through it again I would still be surprised I could find you, darling In any life If I could hold you for a minute Darling, I would do it again For all that was said Of where we'd end up at the end of it When the heart would cease Ours never knew peace What good would it be on the far side of things? But it was too soon When that part of you was ripped away A grip taking hold Like a cancer that grows Each piece of your body that it takes Though I know my heart would break I'll tell them put me back in it Darling, I would do it again If I could hold you for a minute Darling, I'd go through it again I would still be surprised I could find you, darling In any life If I could hold you for a minute Darling, I would do it again I would not change it each time Heaven is not fit to house a love Like you and I I would not change it each time Heaven is not fit to house a love Like you and I I would not change it each time Heaven is not fit to house a love Like you and I
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Textinn í laginu fjallar um styrk og þrautseigju í ást, jafnvel þótt hún komi með sársauka. Fyrsta erindið lýsir því hvernig aðalpersónan neitar að gefast upp, jafnvel þegar ástin hefur verið prófuð. Hún spyr hvernig fólk geti haldið að hún sé veik, því hún hefur lifað í stormi frá fæðingu. Það er ákveðin sjálfstraust í því að hún óttast ekki hvirfilvindina sem lífið hefur að bjóða.
Í viðlaginu kemur fram að hún myndi endurtaka allt ef það þýddi að fá að halda á elskunni sinni í aðeins eina mínútu. Hún er tilbúin að fara í gegnum erfiðleikana aftur, því það að finna þessa ást er þess virði, óháð því hvað fylgir því. Þannig er ástin lítillega dýrðleg, þrátt fyrir sársaukann.
Í næsta erindi er rætt um það sem hefur verið sagt um framtíðina, og hvernig hjarta þeirra hefur aldrei fundið frið. Það er þunglyndislegur tónn í því að elska einhvern sem hefur verið rifinn frá sér, og sársaukinn er lýst sem krabbameini sem étur í sig líkamann.
Í viðlaginu kemur aftur fram sú hugsun að hún væri tilbúin að fara í gegnum allt aftur, ef hún gæti haldið á elskunni sinni, sem styrkir tilfinningu hennar um að ástin sé þess virði að þola erfiðleika.
Endanlegt boðskapur lagsins er að ástin sem þau deila er svo dýrmæt að hún er ekki einu sinni nógu góð fyrir himininn. Hún myndi aldrei breyta neinu, því ástin þeirra er einstök og ómetanleg í allri sinni flóknu dýrð.
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